baked chicken with romanesco is one of the consistent warm winter foods, but it's not fat. yes, you read right, you can enjoy the chicken in the oven, fragrant, brown and juicy, without fearing that you will gain weight.
the romanesco garnish (a dietary vegetable from the cauliflower family) brings more refinement to the recipe. the green color, unusual spiral form of this strange vegetable, which it's not broccoli nor cauliflower, makes it attractive and interesting. its taste is fine and quickly befriends with the chicken taste and spices.
romanesco, as any vegetables from its family, is indicated in the diet, being a negative calories food (ie in the of digestion process you eat more calories than its nutritional value). if you want to keep the nutritional content as unadulterated, then it is indicated to only cook it a little steamed and served as a garnish (in this version, it loses more vitamins, but it's very tasty).

this is how the "extraterestrial" cauliflower looks like before cooking:
-a few pieces of chicken (thighs, legs, whole or chest)
-a sprig of rosemary
-pepper flakes
-dried oregano (or provencal mix)
-garlic (optional)

wash and loose the romanesco in bouquets.

put the bouquets in a yena bowl.

add a cup of water, spices to taste.

wash the meat and place it over the romanesco. season the meat well.

cover with aluminum foil or baking paper and put for an hour in the oven at 180 degrees. notice that i put no oil because it will remove enough fat from the chicken.

after an hour, remove the foil, sprinkle the chicken with sauce and leave it for half of hour to brown.

serve warm.

serve only the meat pieces with romanesco garnish. if you want the food to be dietary, remove the skin from chicken (before or after cooking) and do not serve the sauce (which contains drained fat from the chicken).

even if it is a diet recipe, i assure you that it is very tasty. spicy, hot and refreshing, the spicy baked chicken recipe with romanesco gasket is a "light" delight, ideal for cold winter days.
enjoy your meal!