i know that everything that is good is "unhealthy or immoral or fattening," and i also know what sidedish is loved by all, but so unhealthy and antidiet: "the french fries."
especially when you find new potatoes is a pitty not to take advantage of them, that's why i'm proposing a solution to satisfy your palate while also taking care of your silhouette.
what do you think of a recipe that allows you to enjoy french fries without guilt? this healthy way of cooking, using only 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil is the key in this diet recipe. baked french fries is just the easiest recipe and the taste is the same comparing to the real fried ones.
the recipe is simple: you "fry" potatoes in the oven . i was skeptical about the similarity of taste, so i did a simple test: i made 2 servings (one- classic french fries, in oil bath and one baked in the pan) and the result was more than convincing. both taste and consistency are similar, but the baked french fries are less oily (and healthier).
if you do not believe me, you can try and convince yourself!
but let's not waste time and give the miraculous recipe: peel and wash the potatoes (6-8 potatoes) and cut into strips, put them in an oven tray (preferrable anti-adherente) with 1-2 tablespoons of oil. toss potatoes with oil, so they are well coated with olive oil. sprinkle a pinch of salt over them and put the tray in the oven at level 3 , preheated at 200 degrees celsius, about 20 minutes. new potatoes bake faster.

when slightly browned, they are ready. if the french fries seem to burn too fast and are not ready ( try them very easy :if a fork gets easy into them, they are well baked), reduce heat to 180 degrees.

serve warm, with steaks, salads, grated cheese, breaded (meat, vegetables).
when served with smoked bacon and baked eggplant, potato "french fries" are a treat. obviously, you can add just a new cabbage salad or tomato, to keep the diet line.

this is another delicious way to enjoy potatoes french fries. sprinkle grated cheese over them, then a tablespoon of light garlic-sour cream sauce (mix the cream with salt, crushed garlic, pepper). delicious!
good appetite!