chocolate, red wine ... what could be more romantic than that?
beef muscle with red wine and chocolate sauce is a passionate recipe, with "hot" accents, aphrodisiac flavour, with an elegant finish of melted and silky chocolate ...
valentine's day is just a symbol, a formal celebration of love. valentine's day is not true when you bring flowers to your girlfriend because is fashionable, but when you make a sincere romantic gesture.
romantic dinners are the more effective when aren’t scheduled (so are gifts).
if you want an aphrodisiac, special and refined recipe, something bold and engaging, then try this nonconformist recipe of beef with red wine and chocolate sauce.
red wine sauce is enhanced by orange, cinnamon, pepper and flower petals (damascus roses, cornflowers, calendula, lavender) that will create a special flavor just like the romantic moment that you are about to spend.
quality dark chocolate, melted in this potion of love will provide a silky texture and a glossy look for the red wine sauce.
maybe this is a magic combination, because the result will surely put a spell on you ...
-a piece of beef without fat
-glass of dry red wine
-4 cubes of dark chocolate
-grated orange peel
-a pinch of cinnamon
-freshly ground black pepper
-flowers petals (edible rose petals or a mixture or petals) - optional
-dried hot peppers
-ground garlic (optional)
-olive oil
-fresh thyme
-a bay leaf

wash beef muscle, wipe it with a clean towel, sprinkle it with salt and pepper.
fry the beefsteak in little olive oil (1-2 tablespoons) add a liitle ground garlic (don’t worry at the end there will be no smell of garlic, if you add at the begining).

if the piece of beef is thick, cool each side for 7 minutes and cover with lid.

at the end turn once on first part and leave it for 1-2 minutes.

remove steak on aluminum foil.

pack the foil and continue baking in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

now we make the sauce. these are big stars of the great show:

pour red wine over meat sauce left in pan. add grated orange peel, a bay leaf, a little fresh thyme, a little pepper (optional, only if you want it spicy), a pinch of cinnamon. crush few pepper grains (not too much because you don’t want it too spicy) with some flower petals and throw it in the "magic potion".

leave this wine to boil at high heat.

smells awesome! after approx. 4-5 minutes, reduce flame to minimum.

filter the wine.

now you will boil this drink on low heat until reduced slightly.

scrape dark chocolate and add it in the sauce. stir constantly.

taste it and correct if needed. if you want it sweet add a little honey (i've done so).
finally, the sauce is creamy, shiny and smooth.

remove roast beef from oven.
meat sauce can be added to red wine sauce (optional). boil sauce again until reduced again.

place beef steak on a plate and section it into thick slices while is still hot.

you can see in the section that is medium cooked (as we wanted).
add red wine chocolate sauce and serve.

serving: put 2 slices on each plate, drizzle with plenty of sauce and sprinkle flower petals over them. irresistible!

just magic!
