do you want a smooth and creamy dessert, fast and full of vitamins, not fat and also that has a chocolate pudding look? yes, it's possible. and not only so, but it is so simple and quick to prepare! even a trip to the grocery takes longer than this.
this is from the chapter "vegan recipes". her decadent appearance, with silky chocolate waves, with fine coconut smell, is very pleasant. the good news is that you don't gain weight (of course, eaten in moderation), as it contains no sugar, but agave syrup.
grind one or two bananas. you can also use the mixer, but i like a raw texture, so i do this with a fork.

add 1-2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil.

then the agave syrup to taste:

add organic cocoa powder (or carob powder). if you wish, you can put a few drops of vanilla natural essence.

mix well and it's ready:

serve immediately or you can leave half an hour in the refrigerator until it cools.

by cooling pudding tends to harden as coconut butter solidifies.