escalivada is a spanish salad with baked and grilled vegetables, colorful and flavorful. sprinkled with olive oil, escalivada will bring you a good portion of health, being a typical mediterranean cuisine dish, known for its benefits on health and longevity.
the recipe is simple and the way of cooking the vegetables preserves their specific flavor.
it's a perfect recipe for lent days.
-2 large eggplants
-2 green peppers
-2 onions
-2 potatoes

wash all the vegetables, peel the potatoes and cut all the vegetables into thin slices. let the eggplants with salt for about 30 minutes, then drain and rinse. put all the vegetable slices in a greased tray with olive oil, sprinkle salt and little oil, cover with foil.

put the tray in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 degrees.

then remove the baked vegetables, place them on the grill pan in the oven or on grill, for a few seconds on each side, to get grill flavor and to gain those beautiful stripes.

add all vegetables in a bowl, leave them covered, to blend flavors.

continue the roasting until the vegetables are done.

put all the vegetables on a platter, sprinkle with a little fresh olive oil and serve.

the salad can stay in the refrigerator for a few days, the flavors blend together and it's good cold or warm.

enjoy your meal!