"golden rafaello"... this is how i called these wonderful candies, because they look and smell like the classic rafaello, but they have a beautiful golden color (due to the dried apricots). these candies are very healthy and dietary (as they don't have any sugar) and are very, very tasty.
golden rafaello is a seductive delight, the exotic flavor of coconut, romantic fragrance of apricot ripped under the summer sun and crunchy almond core ... for those who love apricots, they are a dream!
and, to complete the list of "pros" (although i do not think it's necessary anymore), they are extremely easy and fast to prepare and they are not expensive.
- 300 gr. dried apricots (the semi-dry ones are the best, as they remain soft, like a jelly and they are very scented)
- 3 tablespoons of ground almonds
- 2-3 tablespoons of coconut flakes for composition (plus a few tablespoons for garnish)
- 1 tablespoon extra-virgin coconut oil (if you do not have, there's no problem, put more honey and coconut flakes)
- 2 tablespoons of honey or 1 of honey and 1 of agave syrup (to lower the glycemic index)
- peeled raw almonds (after having been previously soaked in cold water several hours)
put all the ingredients except the whole almonds in the blender and mix well for 1-2 minutes, until you get a sticky consistency and the ground ingredients gather by themselves. i also add 2-3 tablespoons of almonds in the composition, as i like to feel a slight crunchy texture. adjust the ingredients measures to your preference, but it is important to get the composition connected and slightly sticky.

if you don't have softer apricot, then it is better to pre-soak them in water for an hour. use them after you drained them well.
this is how my scented, soft-elastic and slightly gelled core apricots look like. this type doesn't need pre-soaking in water.

form balls and put in the middle of the composition a raw almond (without skin).

then, roll the balls through flakes of coconut and place them on a plate.

i kept some powder-free, to see the beautiful orange color they have.

you can serve them immediately or, even better, after having spent several hours in the refrigerator.

in the refrigerator, the composition binds better and becomes jelly-like.

keep them in hermetically closed boxes in the refrigerator.
and now a delicious section after 12 hours of preparation:

you can also prepare golden rafaello with golden raisins or mango (if you don't like apricots) or give up the golden color and you can add any dried fruit (dates, cranberries, bananas, etc.). moroccans prepare these candies for ramadan with almonds and dates (but we'll talk about them in another recipe).
until then, please try these wonderful vegetarian candies to enjoy the fragrance, color and divine taste...
give yourself a royal break: enjoy golden rafaello next to a green jasmine or orange flowers cup of tea!
because the ingredients are raw, the candies are full of healthy nutrients and have a great natural fragrance, so you will be full very quickly, after just a few candy (which is very good for your silhouette :) ).
enjoy your meal!
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