a fragrant and spicy roast pork recipe, colorful as the free spirit of gypsy people, which awakens the appetite for life, gypsy pork steak is ideal for a rustic lunch without pretensions tastes, when you want something original and authentic.
let prejudices aside and try to see all your neighbor’s culture and values. we could all get along better if we know each other’s traditional values, mentality and lifestyle!
what i can say is that ethnicity does not make good neighbors, but education, respect and human soul. generalization does nothing more than ruin our human relationships ("no forest without damage”). like law judges facts, not ethnicity, so we should do. we can be judged too because of our nationality.
after i saw a documentary about gypsy folklore, i can say i was impressed by the vivacity of their music and joyful spirit that transpires both in dance, art and cuisine. manele is not traditional gypsy music, as many people probably think.
gypsy food is characterized by strong color and flavor, rusticity and ... passion. may be an interesting experience!
-pork (recipe goes with pork neck and chops)
-a few cloves of garlic (for 2 pieces of meat add 7 garlic cloves), depending on how much garlic you want
-a little flour
- chilli paste (if you want it spicy) or hot paprika
-sweet paprika

the recipe requires a long time of preparation, because you have to leave meat to marinate in milk with ground garlic (traditionally leave for a night in the refrigerator).
cut meat in slices, add salt and cover with milk. add the ground garlic and cover the bowl with food foil. place in refrigerator at least for a few hours if you don’t have time. i left it for a few hours and it was enough.

drain and throw away marinade.

wipe each slice of meat of extra garlic and then sprinkle paprika and pepper over it.

if you want it more hot then add a teaspoon of chilli paste or a little paprika. sprinkle meat with flour and fry over medium heat.

when browned, turn on the other side.

remove roast on an absorbent towel.

if you want a slightly healthier version,do not fry meat. grease a pan with some olive oil and place the roasts one next to the other. place the tray in the oven at 180 degrees. it’s ready in about 30 minutes when brow.

serve with favorite garnish: potatoes, rice, vegetables and a cold salad, sour, to cool a little the "fire" of this recipe.
