lebanese people like spicy grilled meat, as we do. for the arabs who do not eat pork, we cannot call this recipe truly lebanese, but it is prepared lebanese style, with their spices and techniques for grilling. it is served with a lebanese chickpeas salad, so we're in a nice oriental atmosphere. if you want to be right in the arabian style, replace the pork with lamb, chicken or beef.
the arabian spice called "zatar" is actually a mixture of spices: dried thyme, sumac and sesame. it is delicious for grilled meat.
-some chops or sliced pork neck (or other meat for grill like chicken, beef or lamb)
-2 tablespoons of zatar (one tablespoon per steak)
-paprika (optional)
-ground cumin powder
-sweet paprika

wash and dry the slices of meat. beat them slightly or only pressure them. sprinkle spices over them, rub each piece well and leave to soak for an hour in the refrigerator. then leave them for an hour at room temperature before grilling.

meanwhile, prepare an arabian salad with boiled chickpeas and vegetables <a href=http://www.mondorecipes.com/content/lebanese-salad-with-chickpeas.aspx>http://www.mondorecipes.com/content/lebanese-salad-with-chickpeas.aspx</a>

the meat is hot on the grill on medium heat, 3-4 minutes per side; depending on how thick is the piece.

when browned on both sides, check if it's well done inside. cut slightly and see if blood flows. if it's well done, you can serve.

if you cook multiple steaks at a time, it is better to put them one on top of the other in a baking dish to keep warm. put a lid on them until they are all ready.
