this salmon recipe is absolutely appetizing! scented salmon with green mint and lemon fits perfectly the boiled broccoli. the spicy cream sauce with garlic defines the preparation and divinely compliments the salmon's flavors.
i cannot tell you how special this recipe is... you have to try it!
-1 slice of salmon without skin
-1 broccoli
-half a bunch fresh mint
-1 lemon
-2 cloves of grind garlic
-half a small red onion
wash the broccoli and open it in bouquets. boil it in water with salt.

notice how it changes the color and turns phosphorescent green. let it boil for 5-7 minutes until the fork can easily cut it.

cut the salmon in 2 pieces. chop the mint.

mix the mint with salt, lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil.

add the salmon, let it marinate a bit. add the chopped onion.

place the seasoned salmon slices in a pan greased with olive oil. let them fry approx. one minute without rolling them.

add one cup of water over remaining marinade.

place the marinade in the pan. the fish will boil in the marinade flavors.

sprinkle the fish with sauce while boiling.

cover with a lid and let simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

the salmon will be very flavorful and juicy.

meanwhile make the cream sauce. mix 50 ml of liquid cream with crushed garlic, salt and pepper.

place each slice of salmon on a plate; spray them again with a little lemon juice. sprinkle chopped mint over each slice and a little red onion.

sprinkle with cream sauce.

arrange the boiled broccoli garnish.

and now enjoy...