this is a great romantic recipe, dominated by the sensual strawberries' flavor and fresh aromatic herbs (mint, thyme, basil) ,that complements the juicy chicken rolls filled with melted mozzarella.
the side dish is a unique strawberry salad, seasoned with balsamic vinegar and honey, that gives a touch of sophistication to this chicken recipe.
the italian combination (chicken and mozzarella) is revealed to your senses in a very special and romantic atmosphere. the simple presence of the strawberries brings the dish to another level, more elegant, sophisticated and glamourous. theese fruits are known as perfect aphrodisiacs, so is recommended to serve this dish to the person you love.
-2 chicken breast fillets
-250 grams of strawberries
- 4 tablespoons grated mozzarella
-aromatic herbs: basil, mint, thyme
-one tablespoon balsamic vinegar
-olive oil
-black pepper

cut the chicken fillets in the middle,but don't separate completely the halves, open them in two, beat the meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika.

chop the aromatic plants. sprinkle each fillet with 1-2 tbsp of herbs and 2 tablespoons of grated mozzarella .

roll the fillets and catch them with toothpicks.

place the chicken rolls in a pan and allow them to cook in a little olive oil over medium heat. sprinkle herbs over them, some freshly grounded pepper and paprika.

while rolls are fried, make the salad. wash strawberries, cut them in two, sprinkle them withsome honey.

sprinkle strawberries with balsamic vinegar (1-2 tablespoons), stir and let them for a while, just to get more flavor.

when rolls are well browned, remove them on a platter to cool slightly. remove toothpicks when steaks are warm.

garnish the serving platter with thyme flowers and strawberries salad with honey and balsamic vinegar.

a royal recipe , a perfect combination of hot , melted mozzarella, delicious chicken steack and some fresh strawberries, seasoned with a magic vinegrette. this chicken rolls are so romantic and irresistible, just perfect for a great valentine's dinner.

good appetite!