greeks love lamb and are very good at preparing it. the greek lamb recipe is easy and with spectacular results. serve with tzatzichi sauce and lettuce or cabbage. the combination is healthy, very nutritious and dietary as well.
it's a recipe suitable for easter or any other event if you want to enjoy a browned, flavorful and juicy lamb steak.
wash the meat, wipe it, and make notches that are filled with slices of garlic. then massage the lamb leg with salt and black pepper. sprinkle oregano, rosemary (dried or fresh) everywhere. finally, chop a lot of mint and basil and sprinkle generously over steak.
place the leg in a tray greased with oil. pour one or two cups of dry white wine and put in the hot oven at 180 degrees for 1-2 hours. for the first 40 minutes, keep the tray covered with aluminum foil.

after removing the foil, rub the steak with the sauce from the pan. it will form a beautiful crust.

the meat should be soft and juicy. you can easily check by pressing slightly on it.
cut after leaving it for 10 minutes on a platter.

look how soft and juicy it is:

serve with yoghurt, cucumber and garlic sauce (tazatzichi) and salad.

you can add as a garnish baked potatoes, but then it will not be dietary.

enjoy your meal!