i tried this white asparagus cream soup and i can say that is very tasty. white asparagus is ideal for soups or steamed asparagus and served with a creamy sauce with egg and lemon.
because i wanted to add something special to a simple soup recipe i thought that chicken "croutons" would be more than welcome. if you do not want to combine with meat, then you can remove the chicken from the recipe and make a vegetable soup (carrot, celery, parsley root, potato).
asparagus soup is a fine recipe, ideal for a casual dinner. with a fine fragrance of nutmeg, some golden "croutons"of flavored fried chicken, asparagus soup has extra personality.
-600 grams white asparagus
-a chicken
-a white onion
-2 tablespoons butter
-heavy cream
-an egg (optional, i didn’t add)
-salt, pepper, nutmeg

without chicken version:

wash and clean the asparagus. cut 2 inches from the ends of asparagus stalks and throw them away.

boil chicken in water for 20 minutes, remove meat and keep the broth for soup.
fry chopped onion in butter.

cut the asparagus into 3 cm pieces and put them into boiling broth.

add onion and butter over the asparagus and continue boiling.

cut chicken into cubes and cook in a little olive oil until golden brown.

when asparagus is cooked, add the cream and leave at low heat. bring to boil 2 or 3 times and then turn of heat.
strain soup and add the asparagus pieces in the blender. keep a few asparagus pieces for decoration.

stir well and then mix the soup with the puree. cook 1-2 minutes on low heat.
add salt and pepper to taste. if you want it to be more consistent, add one yolk and mix well with a little hot soup, then pour it over the rest of the soup.

in the end, add some freshly grated nutmeg.

serve hot, with chicken "croutons". if you do not want meat, add croutons of bread.
