how about a bowl full of whole pasta, creamy eggplants sauce and baked peppers, delicately flavored with fresh tomato juice, fresh italian basil, oregano, marjoram and rosemary? and if i haven't convinced you yet, then i will tell you that i will use the most inspired pastas' form, (in my opinion) "fusilli". these spirals have a fantastic ability to blend the sauce, so that when tasting, they offer the maximum satisfaction: they gradually reveal a large amount of sauce and also delight you by their fine and arched profile.
because i like the roasted eggplants and peppers sauce to be creamy, slightly sweet, and to surprise you with spicy details, i will throw a few slices of pepper, from place to place, to create a recipe that will awaken your senses, to be easily digested, nourishing and light at the same time.
"fusilli of pomodoro e melanzane" is a recipe that offers a little culinary vacation toward sunny italy, is full of color, aromatic, delicately spicy, attractive and tasty.
bake 2 medium eggplants, 2 peppers. peel the baked vegetables and let the eggplants drain their pulp for several hours. then chop them well. heat a little olive oil, finely chop a small onion and fry it for a few minutes. when the onion is glassy, add the chopped eggplant and peppers. pour a cup of tomato juice and let simmer, stirring constantly.

after the eggplant and peppers composition boiled down a little, add the dry spices (oregano, rosemary, marjoram).
meanwhile, cook the pasta al dente.

if the eggplant sauce is too thick, add a cup of thick tomato juice. add salt and pepper to taste. the sauce quantity should be sufficient, because it will be quickly absorbed by the fusilli.

after boiling for three minutes with the tomato juice, add aromatic touches: a bay leaf (for a divine fragrance), a little black pepper, freshly chopped basilico, a few slices of red pepper. stir a few times.

drain the boiled pasta, pass them through cold water and then add them to the sauce.

mix well, leave it for another minute on the fire and when they are hot, turn off the heat.

see how it catches the sunlight! a true recipe for summer!
served warm, the pasta will give you a true olfactory performance.

a royal recipe, simple, natural, which will show your concern for the health and the good mood of your family!
enjoy it with your loved ones, giving you a moment of relaxation, enjoyment, along with family or friends! remember that meal time is a moment of relief, feeding both the body, and spirit. take advantage of these moments, talking with beloved ones and remember to smile, have fun ... enjoy every bite, without hurry ... appreciate the simple things in your life, be happy that you have them and, especially, because you have who to share them with!
the mediterraneans live better than us, have fewer cardiovascular accidents, are happier, smile more often, enjoy more everything offers them pleasure, whatever their material circumstances. this culture of the sun (as i like to call it) gives them more vitality and makes them live every moment of life.
therefore, when cooking italian, serve "la pasta" as they do. with joy, lust of life!

ps: a good recipe makes tasty food, but a pleasant atmosphere at the table is the magic ingredient for a successful feast!