we all wish a long and healthy life, but what do we do for that? every food in the supermarkets has chemicals, colorings, flavorings, so how can we keep a strong body if we consume every day low quality products?
'food is the source of life!' we have to learn to look for a good quality food. stop complaining that you have no time and start being responsible about food. it's a matter of minutes between buying a salad from the catering company and doing it yourself. the famous dressings for salads from restaurants, which are so attractive, can be made within 5 minutes at home, from natural ingredients and not squeezed out of plastic tubes (where they stay for months).
the body must receive reasonable food (at regular intervals and in moderate amounts) to not enter into crisis. this can easily control the state of hunger and cravings (which occur due to a mental lack of discipline, and chaotic rhythm and poor quality of daily food).
change must come from you!
today we will make a wonderful sauce (dressing) salad: cool, fragrant, spicy and ... fast! i invite you to taste it along with steaks, grilled or raw vegetables or even pieces of fresh paste.
chop finely some dill (3-4 pieces). also chop 4-5 fresh green mint leaves.
squeeze a lemon and put the herbs in lemon juice. grind two cloves of garlic and add to the sauce.

add 150-200 ml cold yogurt, a teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of salt and pepper and stir.

if you have pepper-flavored mustard it's perfect, if not, the classic one is just as good.

serve immediately or you can leave in the refrigerator until serving time (several hours).
it's great on salads, steaks of all kinds, griddled potatoes, sticks, in sandwiches, etc.