beer chicken recipe is very tasty, but if you also add a number of mediterranean flavors (lemon, garlic, lime, basil, oregano and cumin), you will turn this recipe into an incredibly prepared one. and, to add it even more personality, we will "turn on" a bit the spirits with freshly ground multicolored pepper and cayenne pepper (attention, it's very hot).
it is a recipe "on fire", so prepare the beer to "turn it off" :))
-4-5 chicken legs (or how many you want)
-1 big yellow lemon
-1 lime (green lemon)
-a lot of green basil
-dried or fresh oregano
-multicolored peppercorns
-sweet paprika
-cayenne pepper
-ground cumin
-a few cloves of garlic

grind the peppercorns in a grinding bowl.

grease a pan with oil. wash the meat and then place the legs in the pan. season them on both sides. scrape the lime and sprinkle it over the legs. squeeze both lemons and sprinkle the chicken legs. pour the beer into pan.

add chopped basil, the garlic slices and a few slices of lime.

place the tray in the oven, covered with aluminum foil for 45 minutes at 200 degrees, then another 30 minutes without foil at 180 degrees (until the legs turn brown).

sprinkle the legs occasionally with sauce.

serve warm with sauce and chopped parsley.