the rabbit has a very tasty and dietetic meat, therefore the rabbit steak will be so delicious that you won't even feel you're dieting.
the french eat very often rabbit meat, therefore a provence-style recipe is welcome at any festive dinner.

- one rabbit cut in pieces
- dijon mustard
- provence aromatic herbs (you can find them in supermarkets)
- salt, pepper
- olive oil

mix a spoon of olive oil with one of dijon mustard (the ideal one is the one with tarragon), salt, pepper and a spoon of provence aromatic herbs.

wash the rabbit pieces, dry them with a kitchen napkin and then add them in the provence marinade.

keep the rabbit in the marinade for couple of hours in the fridge. then heat the oven at 180 degrees celsius. arrange the rabbit pieces in a tray and pour the sauce over them .

after approximately 25 minutes, raise the temperature to 200 degrees (ventilated) until they are well parched on the surface (approximately another 10 minutes)

it's served hot along with a green salad with french dressing.

ideally a french rose wine will accompany this culinary delight.
